Friday, March 27, 2015

Re: [ANN] Vim for Windows build, contains all 3rd party dependencies

Hi Bram,

Yes that would be a good idea. As mentioned before, the Windows users are really at a disadvantage at times as its not a platform that's as tweakable as Linux. So giving a single drop file with all the goodies plus a zip file would be a great idea. Upgrade Check would be awesome. If it would work out, we would have an official version of "all inclusive" Vim, which would really be great.

On another note, I was just diffing some server side outputs that consisted of about 200 storage devices being checked side by side (before and after reboot). After that I had to do some search and replace. A colleague of mine who used to call me "crazy" for using Vim is now fervently downloading and learning Vim :). The search and replace really badly stumped and hooked him.


Pritesh Ugrankar.

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 1:02 AM, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:

Christian Brabandt wrote:

> On Fr, 27 Mär 2015, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> >
> > Pritesh Ugrankar wrote:
> >
> > > Agreed. The Vim Developers are doing an awesome job. And so are folks
> > > like you who are doing tweaks to it to make it awesome.
> > >
> > > By the way, I tried another setting given in the group:
> > >
> > > set
> > > renderoptions=type:directx,gamma:1.0,contrast:0.2,level:1.0,geom:1,renmode:5,taamode:1
> > >
> > > And the rendering is even better!!
> >
> > I have been wondering: In this time of fast internet connections and big
> > harddisks: Should we make this all-in-one installation the default?
> > Does that make users happy or will the scream?
> > In other words: who would NOT want this?
> I haven't tried this, but does it work without installing anything but
> just unzip it somewhere and it will just work™? That is a requirement
> for me, as I have some workstations, where I can't install anything.
> Also can we then have a place to download from, that is not
> bitbucket/github as those sites are forbidden for my workstations (Those
> site have been classified as online storage and access is not allowed")

I imagine we provide both a .zip file and an installer.
The .zip file you can unpack in a directory somewhere, then invole
gvim.exe there.  The installer would follow the usual MS-Windows
procedure, so that you can easily uninstall it.

These days we should also have an upgrade check somehow...

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ARTHUR:    No, that's Saint Ives.
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