Monday, March 23, 2015

Re: How to solve Bidi support in Vim/GVim

On Tuesday, 13 November 2012 05:00:42 UTC+3:30, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> If you think you know:
> - the C language
> - the Vim codebase
> - the full-bidi conventions
> - how they apply differently in different 'fileencoding's
> all of that well enough to implement it, I suppose you can try writing
> (at first) an unofficial patch (by "a patch" I mean "a set of changes,
> possibly in several files, and possibly including the creation of new
> source files"). If it works, then maybe Bram will decide to incorporate
> it into Vim 8 or Vim 9. I have some textfiles with bidi text, but no
> doubt you will be able to devise your own.

Tony, Is it possible to integrate a well implemented bidi library like fribidi?

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