Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Re: Looking for a simple Lisp"""IDE""" wrote:
> Charles Campbell <> [15-03-25 03:44]:
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am starting to learn Lisp. And I want to use vim
>>> for that, because there is no other editor... ;)
>>> I am looking for something simple, which executes my current
>>> lisp code in the buffer via sbcl (Steel Bank Common lisp).
>>> I tried to install slimv and limp and failed ... and I think,
>>> they are too big for me...I dont need hyperspec and thesaurus
>>> embedded mp3 play with bluetooth (THIS IS NO IMPLIED
>>> CRITISM! It is only an expression of my helplessness... :)
>>> I onlu want:
>>> Edit Lisp code in vim (I installed pared and rainbox parens) and
>>> a way to send the code to sbcl in another buffer.
>>> What can I use for that?
>> Hello, Meino:
>> You might find RunView of interest:
>> You may get a new version of RunView from:
>> (beta)
>> To install, simply:
>> vim RunView.vba.gz
>> :so %
>> :q
>> You'll want to put
>> let b:runview_filtcmd= "sbcl"
>> in .vim/ftplugin/lisp.vim . That way, when you edit a lisp file and
>> type :RV runview will know what command to invoke to run lisp on your
>> buffer.
>> Regards,
>> Chip Campbell
>> --
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> Hi Charles,
> thanks fpr your help!
> I tried to download but got this
> As of September 30, 2014,
> the Verizon Site Builder tool has been decommissioned
> and all online Personal Web Space pages have been deleted.
> while trying to access the URL, you mailed me.
> Is there any other source for this?
Hello, Meino:

Sorry, I cut and pasted -- and put in some stale info. Try using instead.


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