Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Re: Looking for a simple Lisp"""IDE"""

Charles Campbell <Charles.E.Campbell@nasa.gov> [15-03-25 03:44]:
> Meino.Cramer@gmx.de wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am starting to learn Lisp. And I want to use vim
> > for that, because there is no other editor... ;)
> >
> > I am looking for something simple, which executes my current
> > lisp code in the buffer via sbcl (Steel Bank Common lisp).
> >
> > I tried to install slimv and limp and failed ... and I think,
> > they are too big for me...I dont need hyperspec and thesaurus
> > and...an embedded mp3 play with bluetooth (THIS IS NO IMPLIED
> > CRITISM! It is only an expression of my helplessness... :)
> >
> > I onlu want:
> > Edit Lisp code in vim (I installed pared and rainbox parens) and
> > a way to send the code to sbcl in another buffer.
> >
> > What can I use for that?
> >
> Hello, Meino:
> You might find RunView of interest:
> You may get a new version of RunView from:
> http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#RUNVIEW (beta)
> To install, simply:
> vim RunView.vba.gz
> :so %
> :q
> You'll want to put
> let b:runview_filtcmd= "sbcl"
> in .vim/ftplugin/lisp.vim . That way, when you edit a lisp file and
> type :RV runview will know what command to invoke to run lisp on your
> buffer.
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell
> --
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Hi Charles,

thanks fpr your help!

I tried to download but got this

As of September 30, 2014,
the Verizon Site Builder tool has been decommissioned
and all online Personal Web Space pages have been deleted.

while trying to access the URL, you mailed me.
Is there any other source for this?

Best regards,

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