Monday, March 30, 2015

Re: What category does the help page for AnsiEsc belong to?

Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> `:help` shows the following categories of help topics. But what does
> AnsiEsc belong to?
> Normal mode command (nothing) :help x
> Visual mode command v_ :help v_u
> Insert mode command i_ :help i_<Esc>
> Command-line command : :help :quit
> Command-line editing c_ :help c_<Del>
> Vim command argument - :help -r
> Option ' :help 'textwidth'
:AnsiEsc comes from a plugin (AnsiEsc.vim); it provides a command line
command (:AnsiEsc[!]). You had to have installed AnsiEsc.vim yourself.
Plugins, btw, may provide commands and maps falling in several categories.

Chip Campbell

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