Monday, March 30, 2015

Re: which match-highlighting is in effect (if any) at a point in a file?

Nikolay Pavlov wrote:
> 2015-03-30 7:55 GMT+03:00 LCD 47 <>:
>> On 28 March 2015, Charles E Campbell <> wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> In using :match, :2match, :3match, or matchadd(), one may specify
>>> special highlighting. Any easy way for a vimscript to know which,
>>> if any, highlighting match is active? Such highlighting overrides
>>> the usual syntax highlighting, and I'd like to know what's going on
>>> at the current cursor position.
>> getmatches() returns the list of patterns set by matchadd() and
>> friends, but as far as I know there is no easy way to tell whether a
>> given pattern affects a given line or not.
> I neither know the easy way, but I have the hard one:
> This is a function which determines where highlighting of each match
> starts and ends, and also when match highlights past the end of line.
> The returned `splcolumns` value (first in the pair) is a dictionary of
> dictionaries of lists where keys in top dictionary are line numbers
> with matches and keys in second level dictionary are columns at which
> matches start or end. List shows where matches start and end.
Thank you -- I'll look it over.

Chip Campbell

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