Friday, May 29, 2015

Re: AnsiEsc can not show background

I got the following error. Do you know what is wrong?

Also, could you please post it at

***vimball*** Source this file to extract it! (:so %)
removed 4 files
Vimball Archive
extracted <plugin/AnsiEscPlugin.vim>: 30 lines
wrote /Users/pengy/.vim/plugin/AnsiEscPlugin.vim
extracted <autoload/AnsiEsc.vim>: 1211 lines
wrote /Users/pengy/.vim/autoload/AnsiEsc.vim
extracted <plugin/cecutil.vim>: 536 lines
wrote /Users/pengy/.vim/plugin/cecutil.vim
extracted <doc/AnsiEsc.txt>: 175 lines
wrote /Users/pengy/.vim/doc/AnsiEsc.txt
did helptags
Error detected while processing SourceCmd Auto commands for "*.vba.gz":
E444: Cannot close last window

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Charles E Campbell
<> wrote:
> Peng Yu wrote:
>> I'm sorry. The previous output is wrong. Here is the correct output.
>> ^[[41m^[[37mhello^[[0m ^[[42m^[[37mworld^[[0m
> Hello, Peng:
> Sorry it took so long -- but I think I have AnsiEsc able to handle the
> above.
> I've attached a copy.
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell
> --
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