Friday, May 29, 2015

Re: Replicate TextPad feature (copy marked lines)

Hi Tim!

On Do, 28 Mai 2015, Tim Chase wrote:

> On 2015-05-28 13:54, skeept wrote:
> > He would use find with a string or regular expression. Then he can
> > mark all matching lines. He can repeat the process with several
> > strings.
> >
> > After that he would copy all the marked lines and paste to another
> > window.
> The common way to do this is to pull the matches into a register:
> :let @a='' | g/pattern/y A
> This will gather all the lines matching "pattern" into the "a"
> register which you can paste within vim
> :new
> "ap
> or assign to the system clipboard:
> :let @+=@a
> If you have multiple search terms, you can (as you mention) build the
> expression out of the gate (or incrementally thanks to Vim's
> command-line history):
> :let @a='' | g/pattern1\|pattern2\|pattern3/y A
> That is what I usually do when I want this functionality.
> If you want to build it incrementally by searching instead, you can
> use the search register, recall the previous search, and append your
> additional term
> /pattern1<cr>
> /<up>\|pattern2<cr>
> [repeat until you have all the terms you want]
> :let @a='' | g//y A
> There might be some plugins that simplify these actions, but under
> the hood they would likely do the same thing as this.

BTW: My NrrwRgn plugin provides the possibility to mark selected region,
open all selected regions in a new window and write all selected regions
back to its original buffer. This is not limited to a sinlge buffer, so
you can mark several regions in different buffers and write all at the
same time back

Disclaimer: Experimental feature, if it doesn't work for you, open an
issue at the plugin page

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ein Künstler, der schätzbare Arbeiten verfertiget, ist nicht
immer imstande, von eignen oder fremden Werken Rechenschaft zu geben.
-- Goethe, Maximen und Reflektionen, Nr. 1122

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