Sunday, May 24, 2015

Re: VIM License Clarification: How does the license mean to interact with configs, plugins, etc?

Tony wrote:

> Greetings Vim Users,
> I have a question about the license at
> Does / could scripting with viml, if_lua if_pyth trigger the II section in the VIM license?
> There are a lot of superb plugins on and elsewhere that are licensed MIT, BSD and Apache. Among them, they utilize vimscript. Some of them further extend vim's functionality through import vim's lua, ruby or python libraries.
> Is there any case where the Uganda license would conflict with MIT/BSD/Apache-licensed configs?
> Can anything be done to strengthen the language that plugins,
> configuration, scripts do (or don't) fall under an "extended" version
> of vim?

What is distributed with Vim is under the Vim license. With perhaps
some exceptions for where we have been unable to contact the author, and
we have to rely on the intention of the author. And some parts that
come under a compatible license. Scripts you find elsewhere can go under
any license. Since they are not compiled with Vim this doesn't matter.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
46. Your wife makes a new rule: "The computer cannot come to bed."

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