Sunday, June 14, 2015

change a string when another string is changed in a template

I am trying to use a template which will change a string of the template when another string is changed (this two string will always be same). For example, in the template:

Program [:EVAL:]expand('%:t:r')[:END:]
Implicit None
${2:<++Start Typing++>}
End Program [:EVAL:]expand('%:t:r')[:END:]

The first and last line inside [EVAL][END] will take the file name.
But, then, if I change the output of [:EVAL:]expand('%:t:r')[:END:] in the first line, I would like to change the last line automatically.

I know I can do this using a plugin (Ultisnips), but for some reason, I want to do this using templates, if possible.

Any help?

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