Friday, June 19, 2015

move range to a file that is open in another buffer

Dear Vim Wizards:

If I'm in file1.txt and want to write a range to file2.txt, I can do:

:'a,'bw >> file2.txt

But if file2.txt is open in another buffer, I get an error E139.

Is there a way to copy or move a range to another open buffer without getting this error?


Rick Dooling

ps - I'll add the practical use I'm after. I often write in a main file, let's call it mainfile.txt but I also frequently cut paragraphs to a file of scraps, I'll call it scrapfile.txt

So I'm trying to make a function that will append lines cut from mainfile.txt to scrapfile.txt, whether or not scrapfile.txt is open in another buffer.


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