Saturday, June 27, 2015

Re: Auto-commenting


On 2015-06-27 21:00, wrote:
> Hi,
> when using vim for editing Perl sources, vim proceeds
> the next line with an comment sign '#', if the previous
> one was a comment line using <RET> in insert mode.
> To not to miss even one of the wonderful feature of vim ;) :
> Suppose the situation is as follows (inser mode)
> # this is a comment in perl _
> and "_" is, where my coursor is, Now I want to start
> coding in the next line. <RET> gives me a new line, but
> with a "#" in front of it, which I need to delete.
> Another way to get "commentless" to the next line would
> be <ESC>o
> Is there any other more elegant and/or shorter way to accomplish this?
> Thanks a lot for any help in advance!
> Best regards,
> Meino

I believe disabling the 'r' formatoption is what you want.
See ":h formatoptions" for how to change them (and what they are), or
":h fo-table" to see all the available options.

Here's an online copy:

'r' is not set by default in vi(m), so I imagine your .vimrc has the
set and you simply forgot it was there ;)


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