Thursday, June 25, 2015

Re: gvim colorscheme is run before global variables restored

On Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 11:21:02 PM UTC-5, Paul wrote:
> Huh. The initialization help page is indeed very informative.
> The vimrc is run in phase/step#3, while buffers are loaded in step#11.
> And the -S file that capture the past session are run *after* the
> first file is loaded. I'm assuming that this means after the 1st
> buffer is loaded. If that's the case, then it's clear why g:Lapscreen
> is not set when colorscheme is run -- globals are restored in step#11.
> Oh well. I guess it's not too much trouble to type ":color mine".
> Thanks.

You may be interested in the "SessionLoadPost" autocmd event. :-)

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