Thursday, July 30, 2015

Re: Flexible auto-insertion of date at end of file.

On 30.07.15 20:30, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> Desired Enhancement:

Changing to named parameters fails through lack of an eval/expand on the
a:Format, but then also switching to strange appending syntax¹ ($put)
found on the list:

au BufWinEnter ~/Personal/rainfall/*/* call Append_Date('%d.%m: ')

function! Append_Date(Format)
normal G
" :r !date a:Format " Fails: date: invalid date `a:Format'
normal A

does 99% of the job, appending the date to the file, and moving the
cursor to the end of the inserted text. (I.e. half of the "normal A"
action) It still does not enter insert mode. Replacing that with a:


finally does the job. But that took a lot of grepping through mail
archives to find and dissect related old posts. (Tried googling this
stuff, but it was all chaff - no wheat.)

¹ :h $put
E149: Sorry, no help for $put

:helpgrep " put"
E480: No match: " put"

How to find it, I wonder?


Abbott's Admonitions:
(1) If you have to ask, you're not entitled to know.
(2) If you don't like the answer, you shouldn't have asked the question.
- Charles Abbot, dean, University of Virginia

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