Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Re: I cannot realise a :map why ??

On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 8:02:15 PM UTC+12, aubertin.sylvain wrote:
> Following VIM Manual (by Moolenaar) I type :
> :map <F9> ipapa<Esc> (5 characters for <Esc> and 4 characters for <F5> )
> But it doesn't work. Instead of « papa «  , it returns <F9>
> Something is wrong, but where ??

That's a "normal mode" mapping, you appear to be want it to work in insert mode. Try
:imap <F9> papa

If you are shaky on modes, you could start at :help 02.2, "The Vim editor is a modal editor". If you understand modes, check out :help map-modes.

Regards, John Little

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