Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Re: I cannot realise a :map why ??

2015-07-21 13:35 GMT+03:00 Erik Christiansen <dvalin@internode.on.net>:
> On 21.07.15 01:02, aubertin.sylvain wrote:
>> For instance I should like to make F9 stand for papa
>> Following VIM Manual (by Moolenaar) I type :
>> :map <F9> ipapa<Esc> (5 characters for <Esc> and 4 characters for <F5> )
> That works for me, when typed on Vim's command line, omitting your
> bracketed comment. In .vimrc there'd be no leading ':'.

In .vimrc it is absolutely insignificant whether there is a leading :
or there is no. It is explicitly ignored in do_one_cmd, this behaviour
is also somewhat documented (:h cmdline-lines, search for `colon`,
maybe also somewhere else because this only talks about separating
range and command with a colon).

I usually use colons to prefix commands in `:command`/`:autocmd`
definitions (to separate other arguments with the command executed).
This is not only me: e.g. 2html standard (shipped with Vim) plugin
also defines :TOhtml command as `:call …`.

> Does a ":map" show that your new mapping has been accepted?
> If so, I'd try another key - not a function key.
> If the mapping was not accepted, and there was no error message, then I
> think there would be a raising of eyebrows, and some action.
> I do notice at :h :map-special-keys
> "The <> form cannot be used when 'cpoptions' includes the '<' flag."
> so what does ":set cpoptions ?" show?
> Having "paste" set would inhibit the mapping in insert mode, but the
> mapping makes clear that you intend to use it in normal mode.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Presumably your tests were conducted in normal mode, but a leading <Esc>
> covers mode forgetfulness, and a "noremap" is good form:
> :noremap <F9> <Esc>ipapa<Esc>
> If we're not there yet, maybe try another case, to gather information:
> :noremap <F1> :set nornu<CR> " Clear relative line numbering.
> :set rnu " Set relative line numbering.
> Then press <F1>. The numbers should go away again.
> Even if your <F9> had been mapped to something else, the new mapping
> would replace that.
> As an aside, interestingly, I read:
>>>> *map-comments*
> It is not possible to put a comment after these commands, because the '"'
> character is considered to be part of the {lhs} or {rhs}.
> <<<
> And yet I have no problem with this in my .vimrc:
> " For vimdiff:
> noremap <F10> :diffput<CR>]c " Copy first -> second file, next change.
> noremap <F9> :diffget<CR>]c " Copy first <- second file, next change.
> Erik
> --
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