Thursday, July 23, 2015

RE: What to do when subscription has not been approved for three weeks?

Israel Chauca F. wrote:
> There is an user in the #vim irc channel that subscribed to
> the vim_dev list through the google groups interface, has been
> waiting three weeks and his/her messages still don't appear on
> the list.
> Waiting some days to get approved is not unheard of (not
> complaining, at all), but I think three weeks might point to a
> problem (still not complaining). So, what should this user or
> anyone else do in this situation?

When a new user sends their first email, Google Groups notifies
each manager with an email, and shows the message as pending in
a queue that managers can see at the GG web interface. I check
that at least once a day, and even if I missed the GG
notification, I would see the pending message in the queue.

The queue is called "Manage pending messages for vim_dev" so I
would expect it to include messages posted with the web
interface, and I know that it includes messages sent via email.
If someone's message does not appear after 12 hours I would
expect that a manager has discarded it because it did not seem
pertinent for a posting to the whole group. That does not apply
to the message in question, which now seems to have appeared, so
perhaps it was a GG glitch? I don't think it was a shortage of
managers because messages that have not been approved sit in the
pending queue and would be seen within a few hours.


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