Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Re: displaying ^M carriage returns in a file, like the 'old' vi used to do

On Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 2:15:32 AM UTC-5, JohnBeckett wrote:
> > So, the question has been raised, and I'm posting it to this group. Is there a
> > simple method, in vim, of displaying ^M carriage return characters as a
> > precaution or test when their presence in a file can be detrimental, if not
> > catastrophic?
> There is some good information at:
> http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/File_format
> To be sure there are no lingering ^M you can search:
> /\r
> In a search, \r finds ^M.
> John

Thanks John and ZyX for the replies - there they are now!!

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