Monday, August 24, 2015

Re: vim suitable for professional software development?


i just realized that some of my fears were just for no reason. => I use
git for my vim cfg and a Plugin manager.
Therefore, i wasn't frightened about investing time in my vim cfg - i
was frightened about to be forced to do that at work, because i can't
write code in that time.

I knew of the existence of eclim and vi(m) plugins in big IDE's - i
think i was just to lazy to tinker with it. -.-
Certainly the only thing i'm missing is just knowledge about vim, git
and other stuff.

Btw. my question was meant like "can texteditors like vim and emacs be
as good enough as IDE's like Eclipse, Netbeans or whatever"

You've said " Vim plugins will never be as complete as Eclipse (eg
refactoring)." Could you elaborate that point, please?


PS: Big thanks for your hint to use what my (potential) colleagues use.

Am 23.08.2015 18:17 schrieb Marc Weber:
>> 1) Let's assume your vim configuration is broken at work and you can't
> How does this differ from other solutions?
> Use version control system to manage your plugins.
> Installing latest plugins can be done easily by plugin management
> systems such as VAM/Vundle/NeoBundle.
> Some details / links look here:
>> 2) I'm not familiar with frameworks like Spring, Tomcat or Maven.
>> * But how much do they depend on some vim plugin? I mean, is it
>> possible
>> to work without a vim plugin? I assume, they make the repeated tasks
>> of
>> your work very easy and fast.
> Look Vim / Eclipse are not the same. They are not exclusive either, eg
> google for eclim. Also you may find yourself doing some tasks in Vim,
> others in Eclipse.
> (While Eclim works, I found completion to be slower).
> Browsing code in Eclipse might be nicer, because you have more windows
> to understand class relations and such.
> Well - There is also viplugin for some vi editing features within
> Eclipse.
> Vim plugins will never be as complete as Eclipse (eg refactoring).
>> => I have also very little experience with vim or shell scripting,
>> therefore i fear that someday i can't write a convenience
>> plugin/script
>> and have to work in a (compared to e.g. eclipse) inefficient way - or
>> change the editor, because the support fore that language/framework is
>> not enough.
> If you're worrying about 20min, then you will not even get started with
> writing plugins.
> Tip: HAve a look at plugins you already know, have a look at their dev
> history to get an understanding how much work writing a plugin can be
> (depending on the topic)
>> 3) GUI development. I've learned recently that vim's intention is just
>> not to be a GUI builder for some language. But,
> It will never be. In fact Vim's gui is broken by design
> Neovim (a fork of Vim might fix this in the future)
> A good rule of thumb (looks like you're new to Java as well) is: Use
> what your colleagues use, then they'll be able to help.
> If you want vi like editing features, get viplugin.
> Vim does not debug java well either (maybe there are some plugins, but
> you have to setup class path and whatnot).
>> => As a beginner, i don't understand the complexity of the connection
>> between the GUI Builder and vim,
> A lot of your questions will go away if you get to know your tools
> better.
> Please note: There is also Emacs/Idea/Netbeans/.. Thus your question
> Vim
> vs Eclipse is to narrow as well. Both Idea/Netbeans have Vi like
> plugins
> as well.
> Oh, by the way: You may want to look into alternatives to Java as well
> such as Scala / Groovy (eg gradle is using that).
> Rule of thumb: Always use the best tool for a job. If its about text
> editing (and code happens to be that) Vim often is a good fit.
> Marc Weber
> --

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