Thursday, September 17, 2015

Re: gvim on cygwin/xfree inherits height of xterm

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 5:10 PM, toothpik <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 04:23:51AM +0000, Paul wrote:
>> If I issue the the gvim command from an xterm, it has is bigger/taller than
>> the the standard size that we have all come to know and love over the
>> decades. Its size depends on the xterm that issued the command. If this is
>> not the desired behaviour, is there a way to get gvim to default to its
>> normal old size?
> try putting
> -geometry 95x45
> as a startup option (or whatever numbers seem appropriate for you) -- see
> :h gui_x11
> for an explanation

You could also (instead of -geometry which is not recognized on every
GUI flavour on every platform) set 'lines' and 'columns' in your
gvimrc if you have one, or between "if has('gui_running')" and the
corresponding endif in your vimrc. For instance, to have gvim start in
fullscreen (or a fraction of a character cell inside fullscreen):

if has('gui_running')
set lines=999 columns=9999

has('gui_running') will be zero when remaining in console mode, and
nonzero (probably 1) in GUI mode, or when starting in order to go to
GUI mode. In the latter case, 'lines' and 'columns' (and 'guifont'
and…) are remembered, and used once the GUI has started. This
mechanism is common to all Vim GUI flavours on all platforms.

Vim will not let 'lines' and 'columns' exceed what is possible on your
screen: for instance, I set them as above in my vimrc, and after gvim
has started (and taking my 'guifont' into account), I find myself with
lines=68 columns=180 which fill my X11 1280x1024 display nicely.

:help 'lines'
:help 'columns'
:help feature-list (read §2 then scroll down to gui_running)

Best regards,

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