Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Re: vimdiff options by file type?

On 2015-09-29, dbr517 wrote:
> I would like to set different vimdiff options by filetype . . . in
> particular, I would like to ignore whitespace by default, but NOT
> ignore whitespace for python files.
> I added the following to the rc file, but I still get "iwhite" set
> in diffopt for python files:
> set diffopt+=iwhite
> if &filetype == 'python'
> set diffopt-=iwhite
> endif
> I'm probably missing something obvious :-))

It's obvious only after some experience with Vim. It's in the
documentation, but not in one place.

The problem is that Vim determines filetypes after it reads
~/.vimrc; 'filetype' is not set when that if statement is executed.

One way to fix that is to use these commands instead:

set diffopt+=iwhite
au FileType python set diffopt-=iwhite

Note that 'diffopt' is a global option; it can't be set differently
for different buffers. Therefore, the autocommand above will remove
"iwhite" from 'diffopt' whenever you edit a Python file and not
restore "iwhite" if you later diff two buffers of a different
filetype. Whether that's a problem for you and how you might fix
that depends on how you use Vim.


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