Sunday, September 20, 2015

Re: Weird 's' command behavior.

On Monday, September 21, 2015 at 5:34:42 AM UTC+3, sycc wrote:
> Greetings everyone!
> So far I've always managed to google my way out of whatever came up in
> vim, but this time I have no idea what's going on and would really
> appreciate some help.
> A couple of days ago I've started noticing some weird behavior with the
> 's' command. I'd be using vim for a couple of minutes, maybe even hours,
> and suddenly this would start happening. When I hit the 's' key
> expecting to replace ONE character and go into insert mode, it would
> replace TWO characters instead. Pretty much the same that would happen
> if you hit '2s' instead, which I'm certain I did not.
> Once this is happening, if I enter '2s' it would replace 3 characters
> instead of 2, and '3s' would 4. As far as I'm aware there's no
> configuration that can be done for the 's' command that would cause this
> behavior... at least I haven't found it, that's why I'm here after all.
> The only way to go back is restarting vim.
> I haven't changed anything in my .vimrc file, it's been pretty much the
> same for months now so that can't really be it.
> I can only imagine I'm accidentally hitting some kind of sequence that
> causes this... but I can't for the life of me figure out what. Not to
> mention that I'm not using the 's' command *all* the time, so if that's
> indeed the case I might not even notice until quite a while later.
> So here I am asking all of you nice people for help =)
> Thanks!

Just to make sure it's not from your local settings
I suggest to open vim with the following command:

vim -u NONE

it will open without running the .vimrc settings.

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