Sunday, September 27, 2015

remote_read() never returns

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Sep 23 2015 09:51:11)
MS-Windows 32-bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-873

I am making a remote_send() call to a different server and I really want to get the value returned from the function I am calling.

The help indicates I can do this:
:h remote_send()

call remote_send( g:remotediff_servername, ":call MyFunc( '".a:filename1."' )\<CR>", "firstfile_bufnr" )
call remote_read(firstfile_bufnr) 
echomsg "remote_read:" firstfile_bufnr

Problem is, we never get to the echomsg statement.  Vim just hangs forever.

If I don't use the remote_read() everything functions correctly, except I do not get the return code from the function I called.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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