Tuesday, October 27, 2015

[ANN]: vimagit, a new way to use git within vim

Believe it or not, but emacs has an excellent plugin ;) . This is an interface to git, a plugin named Magit[1]. Its creator designed a unique and really efficient workflow with git. IMO, Magit is more than just a plugin to use git within an editor, this is a new way to use git.

I felt very frustrated during two years, stuck with git gui (or git add -p ?!), although my officemate staged like crazy with Magit. Actually, before he showed me Magit, I was quite happy with what I had. But once I discovered Magit, that was too late. Then, I had two choices, start using emacs, or develop a Magit-like interface for vim. I chose the latter!

> But hey, Tim Pope himself created fugitive, what's wrong with you?

I do not blame fugitive quality, this is a very good plugin. But I don't like much what fugitive offers for staging. As long as your changes belong to one file,
does the job. But if you have changes among multiple files, visualize them globally and stage some of them is a pain to me with fugitive.

Anyway, features like Gdiff or Gblame will stay key features in my workflow. I believe that fugitive, vim-gitgutter and vimagit are complementary.

For all these reasons, I started to develop vimagit[2]. It is 100% inspired^Wcopied from Magit, from the display to the key bindings, trying to reproduce the same workflow. In a first time, I will only focus on stage part. In that sense, vimagit has reached an important step with version 1.4. IMO, it now embeds the minimal feature requirements to be a usable git staging tool, and not just a toy. I use it for my professional projects.

You can see a complete description on github[2], and a demo on asciinema[3].

Looking forward for feedback!


[1]: https://github.com/magit/magit
[2]: https://github.com/jreybert/vimagit
[3]: https://asciinema.org/a/28761

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