Friday, October 16, 2015

Re: Capture output of :make

On 16 October 2015, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Fr, 16 Okt 2015, LCD 47 wrote:
> > > > > I have tried that, but cexpr (and lexpr, too!) uses the global
> > > > > value of errorformat.
> > > >
> > > > Sounds like a bug to me. Does this patch fix it?
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > Are you sure this is a bug? There is no reason for the result
> > > of cexpr / lexpr to depend on the current buffer. The change you
> > > suggest would be backwards incompatible, for no real gain as far
> > > as I can tell.
> >
> > The current behaviour is even documented:
> >
> > : If {expr} is a String, then each new-line
> > : terminated line in the String is processed
> > : using the global value of 'errorformat' and
> > : the result is added to the quickfix list.
> I still think, cexpr should use the effective errorformat, but since
> this is documented, I am fine with the current behaviour. One could
> argue however, that lexpr should use the buffer-local errorformat if
> one is defined. If that is agreed upon, I can send an updated patch.

That would rise the number of differences between loclists and
qflists to a grand total of two :) (the other difference being that
loclists are per window, while qflists are global). Not sure adding
subtle differences between the two a few years after their creation
would be such a great idea... Also, I believe the Vim tradition is
that backwards compatibility always trumps making sense.


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