Monday, October 26, 2015

Re: how to find line in vim function

Thanks you, Gary and Tony. I was traveling and did not get a chance to reply. And my apology, I meant to say that I use vim to write/edit a large shell function in vim, which is called from .sh.

Typically, I write and debug small section, but since I was traveling, I wrote the entire function without debugging on the server. That was why I got into this trouble. I still don't know how to figure out the actual line error-ed out in the function, but was able to block and unblock the code to debug the problem.

If there is a better way, I love to hear.

Thanks again.


On Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 4:31:43 AM UTC-4, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2015-10-21, John Zhao wrote:
> > I am writing a large vim function. When I call it from a .sh
> > script, I got the following error:
> If you are really calling a Vim function from a shell script, that
> won't work. Shell scripts must use the language of the shell that
> interprets them. Vim functions must be interpreted by Vim.
> Regards,
> Gary

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