Sunday, October 18, 2015

Re: slow display update, maybe due to folded text

On Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 12:24:31 AM UTC+13, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> konsole is supposed to emulate an xterm (I use konsole 2.14.2 from KDE
> 4.14.9 and it sets $TERM=xterm and v:termresponse to some xterm-like
> value). Have you tried the settings listed under ":help xterm-blink"?

At the best of times konsole doesn't emulate xterm from a user's perspective, at all. Rather, the perspective of a programme running within a konsole. (I do indeed have those xterm settings, for the occasions I do fire up xterm.) However, plasma 5.2 (ahem, "KDE Frameworks 5.9.0") is far from the best of times, there's breakage all over the place, even in konsole; f.ex. it used to honour --geometry. I hope the situation will improve with Kubuntu Wily Werewolf ("KDE Frameworks 15.08"), coming in three days. I would be far better off on KDE 4, but haven't been pushed enough yet.

Regards, John Little

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