Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Re: vim and touch typing

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Filype Pereira
<pereira.filype@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am new to vim. I know most of the motion and command stuff but I just don't use them enough.
> So, I started reading a vim book and didn't get very far, when I stopped at this line:
>> If you can't touch type, then go learn it and then come back to learn vim.
> I have not thought about it so much before, So that's what I am doing now.
> If you had to do the same, what do you recommend is the best way to learn how to touch type?
> Thanks!

I disagree 100% with the notion that you cannot use Vim unless you
already know how to touch-type. I've been using Vim for years, and I
wouldn't switch to another text editor if Vim was available; but OTOH,
even though I type reasonably fast (and usually with five fingers of
one hand going all about the typewriter keyboard, the arrowboard, the
numeric keyboard, and the mouse — on the other hand I rest my chin), I
admire the people who can type paragraph after paragraph without a
single look at either the keyboard or the screen (but only at some
handwritten text or stenographic notes), but I'm not one of them.

Touch-typing may come in handy for text-editing, and so IMHO does Vim.
I suppose that knowing both makes one more efficient than knowing only
one of them, but I would say most emphatically that neither is a
necessary prerequisite to learning the other. I am even tempted to say
that whoever wrote «If you can't touch type, then go learn it and then
come back to learn vim.» doesn't know what he's talking about. Close
the book then and there and start the Vimtutor, _that_ will teach you
the essentials of Vim so that you'll learn them (and remember them)
regardless of whether or not you can already touch-type.

Best regards,

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