Saturday, November 28, 2015

A vimdiff light colorscheme for a wide range of file color-coding types


For years I have struggled and spent dozens of hours to find a
colorscheme that looks good with simple vim editing for a range of file
types eg


etc - that ALSO looks good and READABLE in vimdiff . .

I have tried dozens of schemes and I am about to systematically work my
way through hundreds but it would be nice if I can find a colorscheme
where someone has already solved the problem:

- I want a normal white background for lines that are the same


- readable color combinations where lines / text are different eg yellow
is hopeless, purple is unreadable on a coloured background etc

Any suggestions? Should I just start from scratch and build my own?


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra NSW 2794

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