Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Re: How to catch a write command in a butype=nofile buffer

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 5:05:06 PM UTC+1, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 9:32:55 AM UTC-6, Jérôme Reybert wrote:
> > I am trying to catch write commands, to perform some specific commands when user enters a write command (:w, :x, or anything else).
> >
> > In my plugin, I use a buffer with parameter buftype=nofile
> >
> > I tried BufWriteCmd and BufWritePre, but these hooks come too late, I always get:
> >
> > > E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set
> >
> > I currently use a cmap mapping, but I am not satisfied with this solution.
> >
> > Is anyone has an advice?
> >
> Use "acwrite" instead of "nofile" for your buftype, then you just use BufWriteCmd to define what happens when you write your buffer.
> Unless you needed "nofile" for reasons like not warning on quit or something?

I already tried the 'acwrite' mode. But the buffer content can be modified by both the user and the plugin. Then, if I set the 'acwrite' mode, I get a warning when I close the buffer.

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