Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How to pass format string to ?

I want to auto load CCTree, find in parent recursion.

command! -nargs=? -complete=file CCTreeLoadDB  call s:CCTreeCmdLine.mLoadDB(<q-args>, s:DBClasses.cscopeid)

function! LoadCCTreeParent()
    let newcsdbpath = FindInParent("cscope.out",WindowDir(),$HOME)
    if newcsdbpath != "Nothing"
        let b:csdbpath = newcsdbpath
        "CCTreeLoadDB b:csdbpath . "cscope.out"

augroup AutoLoadCCTree
    au BufEnter *.[chly]  call LoadCCTreeParent()
    au BufEnter *.cc      call LoadCCTreeParent()
augroup END

CCTreeLoadDB does not use the format string.How can I done it?

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