Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Re: I have a dream, about pseudocoding support

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 1:15:36 PM UTC-5, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 6:16 PM, Paul <> wrote:
> > On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 11:43:01 AM UTC-5, DrChip wrote:
> [...]
> >> If you happen to be using utf-8, you might want to use \u2502
> >> instead of a |.
> >
> > Hmmm... That looks way better than the vertical bar on the keyboard.
> > Unfortunately, it seems to have compatibility problems when dealing
> > with other apps in a cygwin/Xwindows/Windows7 environment. For
> > example, it doesn't succesfully transfer into the cut/paste buffer in
> > a way that allows to be transferred to Windows (register * or
> > register +). It won't paste into this grouples composition window,
> > nor into even notepade. However, it successfully transfers into
> > those registers for asting within another vim buffer.
> >
> It's been a long time since I left Windows, but can you set some
> Unicode locale in your "local settings"? I think it means "codepage
> 10646" or "codepage 106461" — or something equally weird. With that
> kind of setting, it ought to be possible for Windows to transfer the
> U+2502 codepoint correctly via the clipboard — if both the sender and
> the receiver of the data know which clipboard flavour to use.
> Within a single Vim instance, there is no such problem, because Vim
> doesn't need the clipboard (registers + and * which are different on
> X11 and identical elsewhere); it uses its own registers (usually
> register "). As long as you use UTF-8 (or GB18030) as 'encoding', any
> Unicode character can be represented in Vim memory and transfered
> around by yank/delete/put (which are, of course, the "Vim names" for
> copy/cut/paste).

I'd investigate the locale settings if I was really worried about the vertical bars, but it's not a big deal for me. I can live with either. I did superficial things with Windows regional settings (time formats), and to me, it's not really worth delving into, though I appreciate the pointer. There's also the fact that with the cruder looking vertical bars, I'm compatible with the rest of the world.

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