Thursday, December 31, 2015

Re: Is there a way to display line numbers and relative line numbers as with two rulers?

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:51 AM, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Do, 17 Dez 2015, Igor Forca wrote:
>> Is there some setting to have two rulers one on the left and one on
>> the right in single window?
> No there isn't. We would have told you so otherwise.
> Best,
> Christian

If by "ruler" you mean the same as Vim (the current line and column in, or instead of, the status line), then with a custom status line you can add to it the absolute and relative numbers of the first and last lines visible in the window.

    :help 'statusline'
        and in particular the item for %{
    :help line()

Best regards,

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