Thursday, December 10, 2015

Re: programmatically determine blockwise visual mode

On Mi, 09 Dez 2015, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > On Mo, 07 Dez 2015, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov wrote:
> >
> > > I have mistaken `visualmode()` output with `getregtype()` output. This
> > > suggestion could be a solution if `visualmode()` returned the same
> > > answer as `getregtype()`.
> > >=20
> > > I am wondering thus whether it make sense to have `visualmode(0, 1)`
> > > output for block visual mode the same thing as `getregtype()` for
> > > blockwise registers, but with possible `$` after the number. Modifying
> > > `col()` to return some seeming arbitrary very big number looks weird.
> >
> > Like this?
> >
> > I am not sure, how useful it is to have the width without also having
> > the height, but I made it return the visual width unless '$' has been
> > used.
> I find this confusing, because now it's not the same as getregtype().

Well, I don't understand what the visual selection has in common with
registers or in other words, why should it be the same as getregtype().
Even if we used ^V<width>$ it would be different.

> And visualmode() has an optional argument to clear the mode, which is
> unrelated.

I don't understand that argument. I introduced an additional argument,
because it is independent of the first optional argument.

> Is there a more consistent solution?

I am open for suggestions.


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