Friday, December 18, 2015

Re: Re:Re: Blowfish[2] failed to encrypt big text file of 24MB


2015/2/14 Sat 6:04:00 UTC+9 Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Ben Fritz wrote:
> > On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 4:16:01 AM UTC-6, might1 wrote:
> > > At 2015-02-13 18:00:32,"might1" <> wrote:
> > > > Right now, I just tried vim7.4 downloaded from
> > > According to your way, I tried in commanld line 'vim -u NONE -N
> > > test.txt'   and  'gvim -u NONE -N test.txt' to encrypt with blowfish
> > > method, both failed. The resulting files all growed to 113MB. Really
> > > strange! No error jumped out.
> > >
> > > Do you need I attach the resulting encrypted file whose size remains 113MB after max compression?
> > >
> >
> > Actually, attaching the already encrypted file is pretty much useless.
> >
> > I experimented some, with the attached toy input file (compressed with 7-zip to avoid a huge attachment), and found that the issue seems to be related to writing *new* files somehow.
> >
> > If I create an encrypted output file as follows, everything works fine:
> >
> > :e encrypt_in.txt
> > :saveas encrypt_blowfish2.txt
> > :X
> > password
> > password
> > :w
> >
> > However, if I encrypt as follows, I see the E381 error repeated a bunch of times, and Vim seems to hang if I quit that error and try the password again and write, presumably creating that giant file the OP mentioned:
> >
> > :r encrypt_in.txt
> > ggdd
> > :X
> > password
> > password
> > :w encrypt_blowfish2.txt
> >
> > Oddly enough, this also fails:
> >
> > :r encrypt_in.txt
> > ggdd
> > :w encrypt_blowfish2.txt
> > :X
> > password
> > password
> > :w
> >
> > But this succeeds (after a really long time):
> >
> > :r encrypt_in.txt
> > ggdd
> > :w encrypt_blowfish2.txt
> > :e
> > :X
> > password
> > password
> > :w
> >
> > It seems to be related to encrypting the swapfile for the new file. This fails:
> >
> > :set swapfile noundofile
> > :r encrypt_in.txt
> > ggdd
> > :X
> > password
> > password
> > :w encrypt_blowfish2.txt
> >
> > But this succeeds:
> >
> > :set noswapfile undofile
> > :r encrypt_in.txt
> > ggdd
> > :X
> > password
> > password
> > :w encrypt_blowfish2.txt
> >
> > Using the following Vim version on Windows 7:
> >
> > VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Feb 4 2015 10:16:41)
> > MS-Windows 64-bit GUI version with OLE support
> > Included patches: 1-608
> [...]
> Since it works fine on Linux, could it be related to "long" not being
> able to store a pointer? It's a common problem for porting a C program
> to Windows.

Perhaps I found a fix for this.

--- a/src/memfile.c
+++ b/src/memfile.c
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@

/* Decrypt if 'key' is set and this is a data block. */
- if (*mfp->mf_buffer->b_p_key != NUL)
+ if (*mfp->mf_buffer->b_p_key != NUL || mfp->mf_old_key != NULL)
ml_decrypt_data(mfp, hp->bh_data, offset, size);

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