On Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 3:41:35 AM UTC+1, ZyX wrote:
> I do not know why this happens, but I would really suggest to always avoid :bufdo. First, this command switches current buffer which is not wanted 99% of times. Second, it has strange interactions with at least my setup which results in absence of syntax highlighting (basically why I never use it). Third, 90% of times one is using :bufdo switching buffers is not needed at all. Specifically in your case I would use
> vimdiff -f -c 'wincmd J' -c 'call map(range(1, bufnr("$")), "setbufvar(v:val, \"&modifiable\", v:val == 1)")' merged local base remote
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for :)
I did notice that Vim was switching buffers when I used bufdo, but did not find an easy alternative command that did not, and my Vimscript knowledge simply isn't that good yet.
> Alternative solution is to simply remap `dp` so it will put to first buffer always.
True, although I'm not exactly sure it would do the right thing with other uses of diff buffers, e.g. I have multiple buffers open and call 'Gdiff' (from Fugitive, opens a diff from a given commit).
> Note that -d is not present: Vim will start diff mode once executable is called vimdiff, thats the whole point of such naming (usually vimdiff is a simple sym- or hardlink to vim, if in your distribution it is not then maintainers are probably insane).
I actually copy-pasted this from https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/mergetools/vimdiff and did not modify it since I assumed it was there for a reason.
> And please do not use short versions of option names when asking for help, I have no idea WTF is ma option. It is also good for documentation purposes.
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