Thursday, January 28, 2016

Re: Multi-language support broken with patch 1165

On 28 January 2016 at 22:07, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
>> > > After 1165, if I do something like set LANG=ja_JP, and then launch gVim,
>> > > the screen is totally corrupt.
>> > >
>> > > After analysing the patch, I find it is now picking up libintl-8.dll from
>> > > my Lua installation. It does not pick up the version that I tested to work
>> > > with Vim and put specifically inside the Vim directory. Also be reminded
>> > > the DLL shipped with Vim is called libintl.dll. So the change is not
>> > > intuitive to users at all.
>> > >
>> > > It seems to me "try the newer version first" is not a good idea, and I
>> > > would suggest reverting this patch.
>> >
>> > That's disappointing. Is it that the libintl-8.dll that comes with Lua
>> > is different than the one that Vim supports, or is that dll the same but
>> > does it not work?
>> I am not familiar with the libintl details. Some observations: The Lua
>> libintl-8.dll exports 76 functions, while the original one shipped
>> with Vim exports 10 functions. The version I use (that works with Vim)
>> exports 25 functions.
>> > I thought this libintl-8.dll was used by the iconv dll, but perhaps it's
>> > used in a different way?
>> The version I use imports iconv.dll (so the opposite dependency),
>> besides msvcrt.dll and kernel32.dll. The problematic version only
>> depends on msvcrt.dll and kernel32.dll. Same for the libiconv2.dll in
>> the Lua directory.
> I'll revert the change to try libint-8.dll first.
> I hope the change to libiconf load ordering does not need to be
> reverted. Let me know if that also causes problems.

Thanks, Bram. The new build does not exhibit this issue any longer. :-)

Wu Yongwei

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