Monday, January 25, 2016

Re: Regex issue with \|-concatenation

Am Montag, 25. Januar 2016 10:16:43 UTC+1 schrieb Erik Christiansen:
> On 24.01.16 12:14, A. B. wrote:
> > Hello Vim-users,
> >
> > I've try to construct a regex to find the jumping positions of the )-movement.
> > Unfortunately I can not concatenate two patterns with \|.
> Concats are separated by \&.
> \| separates branches. See :h regex.
> In general regex terms, | can be used thus:
> (expression made an atom by the parentheses)|(and another one)
> The whole regex will match if any of the branches do.
> > My whole pattern looks like this:
> > '.\n\zs\_^\_$\|[.!?][]]*\(\s\+\n\=\|\n\s*\)\(\s\+\n\)*\zs\S\|\_^\_$\n\s*\zs\S\|\%$'
> The low level of magic you're using obscures the underlying regex in an
> unreadable backslash storm. (:h magic : \v cleans up all that crap, and
> brings Vim very close to Posix regex conformity.)
> Hopefully my general advice will put you on the right track, though.
> Erik

Hello Erik,

thanks for the (general) reply. It seems you do not like backslashes as much as I do. I've cleared the string up with \v and could finally found my mistake.
It turned out that the above regex (regardless to \v) was not broken at all. (The greediness just of a branch prevent the matching of ^$.)


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