Monday, February 1, 2016

Re: How would you repeatedly produce these lines?

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
On Monday, February 1, 2016 at 9:00:25 AM UTC-6, Charles Campbell wrote:
> wrote:
> > I'm coding in Python and need to produce a number of lines like the following
> >
> >> p3[0] = {'name': , 'symbol': , 'number': }
> >> p3[1] = {'name': , 'symbol': , 'number': }
> >> ...
> > and I'm wondering the best way to go about this.  My main thought is to just copy-paste and maybe fill the brackets with some kind of place-keeper and then try to figure out a way to sequentially replace them with increasing integers.  But somehow it seems like there out to be a more elegant Vim solution.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> I'd write the first line:
>   p3[0] = ...
> Yank it (Y) and put it (say I wanted twenty copies:  19p
> Then I'd use ctrl-v and highlight all the 0s.
> Then I'd use  :I
> The latter command is supported by visincr
> (  It can do
> incrementing/decrementing things with binary, octal, hexadecimal, roman
> numerals, daynames, monthnames, and dates (ymd, dmy, mdy).
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

Sometime this year (I think patches 754-823) the g_CTRL-A command was introduced to create increasing sequences of integers (:help v_g_CTRL-A). Also CTRL-A/CTRL-X was modified to respect visual mode better. So the plugin is probably not even required anymore.

I don't think I'd quite say that. This plugin is capable of much more than just this specific example. Thank you, by the way, I knew that CTRL-A/X had been modified to work in visual mode, but I was not aware of the g_CTRL_A/X variant! That is super useful!


Ethan Alan
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