Monday, February 22, 2016

Re: Newbie Setup Advice

On 16/02/22 14:27, Vee Mur wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I am new to vim.I recently installed vim 7.4 on my pc running ubuntu mate,now i've been trying to install several plugins without any success at all.
>According to all the instructions on the various git reps i have to configure my .vimrc.My question is which .vimrc file do i edit because in my home directory its missing?I could only locate it in 3 locations /usr/share/vim -> /usr/share/vim/vimfiles -> /etc/vim

Create a new .vimrc in your home-directory and maybe a .gvimrc for
specific settings for gvim ("graphical" vim that you don't use inside a

And I highly recommend that you use a plugin-manager for installing
plug-ins. My favorite one is NeoBundle:

But there are others like vundle: pathogen:


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