Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Re: Newbie Setup Advice

2016-02-23 19:13 GMT+03:00 Ben Fritz <fritzophrenic@gmail.com>:
> On Monday, February 22, 2016 at 11:58:54 PM UTC-6, ZyX wrote:
>> Pathogen is not a plugin manager.
> I understand this sentiment, especially coming from someone such as yourself who works on a very fully featured plugin manager with abilities such as enabling or disabling plugins at runtime or automatically updating installed plugins.
> But...what should we call Pathogen? Granted, it doesn't really do any actual managing of plugins itself, but it enables you to do so much more easily.
> Without Pathogen, it is difficult to track down all files associated with a plugin. Thus it is mildly difficult to install and quite difficult to uninstall. Using Pathogen each plugin gets its own directory which is a large improvement over the status quo (although that's changing I understand from recent patches to the Vim core).
> Does that make Pathogen a "plugin management tool" rather than a "plugin manager?" I can't really think of a better term for a tool that helps you manage plugins yourself.

It is neither "plugin management tool" nor "plugin manager", these are
the same things. It is manipulating runtimepath and if you need a
separate word (rather useless because there is only one such tool)
that would be [runtime]path manager: it does not manages plugins in
any fashion, it only does something to the running Vim and the only
"external" action is generating helptags at request.

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