Saturday, February 27, 2016

Re: Replace c cast to c++ style cast

Hi Dominique and Luc,

thanks you for the advice. I agree that it is not a good idea to blindly replace everything. The most common case for me is probably static_cast so I would do that by default.

> In lh-cpp (*), I have 3 mappings that transform C casts into C++ casts -- and 6 more to cast an expression.
> This has to be done manually: you'll have to know if you want a const_cast, a static_cast, or a reinterpret_cast. As Dominique said, it can't really be done automatically. May be, clang could automate many things, but it won't be able to know whether you want to downcast with a dynamic_cast or with a static_cast?
> (*)

Luc, I did install your library but the mapping provided ,,sc didn't do anything for me.
I did have an error when entering a c++ buffer after loading the plugin with VAM, something like:

line 39:
E227: mapping already exists for <80><fc>^D

I am not sure this is the reason I cannot use the mapping provided in your plugin.

I did write a function and mapping that for now should suit my needs:

function! ToStatic1()
" (type) b -> static_cast<type>(b)
" it is assumed cursor is inside the first cast

let original_keyword = &iskeyword
setlocal iskeyword +=_
setlocal iskeyword +=[
setlocal iskeyword +=]
setlocal iskeyword +=:

normal di(
let @a = @"
normal da(
normal istatic_cast<>
normal h
normal "ap
normal f>l
while 1
"get current char
let c = getline('.')[col('.')-1]
if c == ' '
normal x
echom c
if c != '('
normal i(
normal e
normal a)

let &iskeyword=original_keyword

nnoremap <silent> ,a :call ToStatic1()<CR>


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