Wednesday, March 30, 2016

junk characters printed when I type ESC

I attached screenshot of the kind of junk characters printed on the 1st line at the beginning of the line.

Step to reproduce: press ESC in Insert mode.

These characters are display only. If I get VIM to refresh (Ctrl-Z to background and back to foreground) characters will be gone.

My configuration:

Debian 8.2
VIM 7.4, included patches 1-488, 576.

I narrowed down the issue to the following part of vimrc configuration. While the issue is fixed I have a few questions.

I use ssh a lot and I can be using a different terminal application. Every terminal app pretends to be xterm, but every terminal is slightly different. For example we have putty, Tera Term, Gnome's Terminal, cygwin, xterm itself. What's a better way to tweak vim configuration to a specific terminal. I created MYHOST variable that points to cygwin in cygwin case.

Shall I tell each terminal to report its name (TERM variable) at a risk of having a lot of other software totally confused?

" check if in tera term (the code used to check for xterm)
if &term =~ "teraterm"
" In Gnome 3's Terminal pressing ESC prints junk characters
" instead of changing cursor.
" Thus, I have disabled the code that's known to work in Tera Term and
" Cygwin

" Tera Term scenario as documented in
" In insert mode: Blink vertical line
let &t_SI.="\e[5 q"
" In normal mode: Blink block
let &t_EI.="\e[1 q"
" delay to wait for cursor to change from Insert to Normal mode
" temoutlen solution appears to be the least complicated and it works
set timeoutlen=160

" For details about
" - Speed up vsplit scrolling
" - Auto indent can be disabled on pasting from clipboard
" See:

" Allow title retrival and storage
" Thus default phraze "thanks for flying vim" is not displayed
let &t_ti .= "\e[22;0t"
let &t_te .= "\e[23;0t"

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