Friday, March 18, 2016

Re: Errors when launching Vim inside tmux

On 2016-03-18 14:08:33 +0000, Nicola said:

> On 2016-03-18 12:23:25 +0000, Christian Brabandt said:
>> Hi Nicola!
>>> On Mi, 16 Mär 2016, Nicola wrote:
>>>> In OS X, when I launch `vim`, or even `vim -u NONE`, within a tmux session,
>>> the following messages are logged:
>>>>> 16/03/16 10:49:13,539 vim[11605]: LaunchServices: received
>>> XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED trying to map database
>>> 16/03/16 10:49:13,539 vim[11605]: LaunchServices: Database mapping
>>> failed with result -10822, retrying
>>> 16/03/16 10:49:13,539 vim[11605]: LaunchServices: received
>>> XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED trying to map database
>>> 16/03/16 10:49:13,571 vim[11605]: LaunchServices: received
>>> XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED trying to map database
>>> 16/03/16 10:49:13,572 vim[11605]: LaunchServices: Database mapping
>>> failed with result -10822, retrying
>>> 16/03/16 10:49:13,572 vim[11605]: LaunchServices: received
>>> XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED trying to map database
>>>>> I'd like to know whether it depends on my specific setup. Does
>>> anyone see the same?
>>>>> Version details:
>>>>> Vim 7.4 1-1525
>>> tmux 2.1
>>>>> both installed with Homebrew.
>>> Googling for XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED leads me to believe >
>>> thisis a Apple bug.
> Possibly. But it is not triggered by my system's Vim (7.3), and by NeoVim
> either. So, it depends on some relatively new feature of Vim, and the obvious
> candidate is interprocess communication.
> I have noticed that a bunch of those errors always appear:
> - when I use netrw (:Ex);
> - with `vim --help`, `vim --version`, etc.;
> - when I copy/paste to/from clipboard (using "*).
> but not when I call job_start(). I don't know whether this may ring a bell.
> Anyway, if it's an OS X bug, also other programs should be affected. I will
> continue experimenting, but if you have an idea what other tool I may try
> to confirm that it's not a Vim's bug, please let me know.

Ok, tried with, ehm, Emacs. Same problem when copy/pasting to the clipboard.
NeoVim also produces those messages when copy/pasting. So, it appears to be
clipboard-related. That's why reattach-to-user-namespace fixes it. OS X's Vim
has -clipboard, so no problem. Not sure why they are triggered at startup or
when opening netrw, though.

Hence, I will stick with reattach-to-user-namespace, as previously suggested.

Sorry for the noise.


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