Thursday, March 17, 2016

Re: Errors when launching Vim inside tmux

> I have installed now Vim 7.4 1-1525 with brew, and it starts fine without an
> error message:
> :version
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Mar 17 2016 12:35:54)
> MacOS X (unix) version
> Included patches: 1-1525
> Compiled by Homebrew
> Sorry, I haven't explained myself clearly enough: the messages are logged in
> the Console (or
> in /var/log/system.log if you prefer). Keep open and start Vim
> within tmux.

You were clear, I wasn't :) I pasted this to show that after I had no
error in the console, this is what :version printed.

> Also, I use reattach-to-user-namespace in my tmux.conf to fix clipboard
> issues: (Again, I'm
> not sure if that has anything to do with your problem.)
> OT, but I don't think reattach-to-user-namespace is needed any longer (see
> the note in URL you've pasted). I am not using it.

Yes and no. You are right that it is no longer needed for Vim. It is
still needed for an unrelated program called terminal-notifier to
work; actually that's the reason I have it now. I added the info
anyway as something that has a quite slim chance of helping.


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