Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Re: My E-mail to the Mailing List Did Not Arrive

Hi Shlomi!

On Mo, 21 Mär 2016, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> Hi all,
> my E-mail to the "vim_use" mailing list with the subject " [ANN]
> Investigating Vim's escaping/quoting rules for the :! ...<CR>
> command." sent two days ago did not arrive to the mailing list , and I
> didn't get a bounce, a rejection E-mail, or a moderation E-mail
> either.
> Please investigate why it did not arrive yet.

As one of the ml moderators I can say, I haven't seen a message from you
in the queue. I know you have posted before, so I don't know why this
would happen and the fact that this message came through, shows it.

Are you sure, your mail was sent with the correct sender email?

So I am sorry, if I can't be of any further help.

Alte haben gewöhnlich vergessen, daß sie jung gewesen sind, oder sie
vergessen, daß sie alt sind, und Junge begreifen nie, daß sie alt
werden können.
-- Kurt Tucholsky (Schnipsel)

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