Thursday, March 24, 2016

Re: My E-mail to the Mailing List Did Not Arrive

Hi Christian,

On Tue, 22 Mar 2016 20:10:54 +0100
Christian Brabandt <> wrote:

> Hi Shlomi!
> On Mo, 21 Mär 2016, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > my E-mail to the "vim_use" mailing list with the subject " [ANN]
> > Investigating Vim's escaping/quoting rules for the :! ...<CR>
> > command." sent two days ago did not arrive to the mailing list , and I
> > didn't get a bounce, a rejection E-mail, or a moderation E-mail
> > either.
> >
> > Please investigate why it did not arrive yet.
> As one of the ml moderators I can say, I haven't seen a message from you
> in the queue. I know you have posted before, so I don't know why this
> would happen and the fact that this message came through, shows it.

I see.

> Are you sure, your mail was sent with the correct sender email?

Yes, I'm sure.

OK, I've now tried these two things:

1. Forwarding the sent email to the mailing list. It didn't arrive.

2. Subscribing to vim_use from my GMail account and posting a message using
the Google Groups with a single link to a directory inside a GitHub repository
(which I'm pretty sure is not spam). This message was eaten by the interface
(though I was told it got sent but I cannot find it anywhere.).

Did Google Groups jump the shark? If so, good luck on trying to get Google to
remedy that - from my experience their customer service ranges from abysmal to
non-existent. Perhaps the vim forums should be moved elsewhere.


Shlomi Fish
> So I am sorry, if I can't be of any further help.
> Best,
> Christian


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