Monday, March 28, 2016

Re: Packages: best practices?

Am 26.03.2016 um 21:03 schrieb Gary Johnson:
> On 2016-03-26, Andy Wokula wrote:
>> if has("vim_starting")
>> " init on VimEnter
>> else
>> " init immediately
>> endif
> That's a very odd application of has().
> The has() function is clearly intended to indicate presence or
> absence of some feature that is compiled in, or in the case of
> "gui_running", available only under certain unchanging conditions.
> I would never think to look among features for a flag indicating the
> startup state. Even Bram did not find it.

Proper linking in the help should be enough?

> It's probably too late to change it, but I think it would make more
> sense to expose that state as a variable such as v:vim_starting or
> v:vim_did_enter or as a function such as vim_starting().
> Regards,
> Gary

It has been there for a long time (Vim 5.7 or earlier).

There are other "dynamic" items:


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