Friday, April 15, 2016

Re: RFE: support POSIX standard and developing RE's

On 14.04.16 18:00, LCD 47 wrote:
> As for Vim: its regexes have features not present in any other
> language. People use them, and thousands of plugins and syntax files
> rely on them. You're asking to break all of them because you _prefer_
> something else?

Please quote a whole message where I have done anything remotely like
that. (Nothing out of context, please.) My proposed renovation was
careful to avoid _any_ impact on existing uses, but providing POSIX
only as a compile option - i.e. totally unseen by unenthused users.
(Last two paragraphs of my first post on this thread.)

Looking back on the wording, I can see that it was incautious, and not
remotely inducive to winning over adherents of the old BREs. It did not
occur to me that it would result in misunderstanding through partial

> Wake up please. It would have been nice if Vim regexes
> had a nicer syntax. It's some 20 years too late to change them now.

While POSIX conformity is not desired, it will also be a thousand years
too soon. ;-)

Anyone who had actually read both my posts would understand that I do
not advocate replacement, but addition.


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