Thursday, May 26, 2016

Re: Does :global convert tabs to spaces prior to sending to the screen?

Hi Rod!

On Do, 26 Mai 2016, Rod Holcomb wrote:

> I have the following function in my .vimrc
> command! -nargs=+ -complete=command TabMessage call TabMessage(<q-args>)
> function! TabMessage(cmd)
> redir => message
> silent execute a:cmd
> redir END
> tabnew
> silent put=message
> set nomodified
> endfunction
> basically it redirect message to a new tab.
> however when I run
> :TabMessage g//
> tabs my buffer get stripped on there way to the new tab.
> Thoughts?

I think this happens by the redir function, which basically gets the
output from the screen and does not know, that the underlying message
has been using tabs.

Wer wünscht, daß man ihn fürchte, erreicht nur, daß man ihn haßt.
-- Charles-Louis de Montesquieu

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